Technical Articles
Byd F6 to the remote control matching method
Byd F6 to the remote control matching method
In the key pulled up, and shut the door, confirmed four engine cover and baggage according to the following steps to remote control of key code operation: the search for missing code devices operating steps:
1, open the trunk lid
2, open a door any
3, insert the ignition key in this step for 5 seconds during the execution of the next step action, otherwise will dropped out of code mode, if want to continue to all will need to start again.
4, the ignition key switch two cars (OFF the start state 】-ON-ACC-ON the steps the completion status 】) the ignition key in OFF the start state 】 file the first step: will the ignition key hit ON file the second step: will the ignition key ON file by playing to the ACC file step 3: will the ignition key ACC file hit by this step ON file completion status: the ignition key in this step in ON completed five seconds during the execution of the next step action, otherwise will dropped out of code mode, if want to continue to all will need to start again.
5, door pass a time (a 【 original state 】 to close and open the steps to complete the state 】) to step 1 "open door in complete the following action the original state: open the first step: close the door the second step: open the doors to complete this step state: the door open in this step for 5 seconds during the execution of the next step action, otherwise will dropped out of code mode, if want to continue to then need to be all start again.
6, the ignition key open shut a (ON the original state 】-ACC-ON the steps the completion status 】) former state: the ignition key ON file in the first step: will the ignition key ON file by playing to the ACC file the second step: will the ignition key ACC file hit by this step ON file completion status: the ignition key ON file in at this time with a ring alarm horn, said that the code mode. Alarm horn with a ring of code mode has already entered the said, please proceed to the next step operating; if not ring is not the code mode, if want to continue to then need to be all start again.
7, according to the remote control any key" step 6 "alarm horn rings, press any key to the remote control, at this time will be screaming alarm horn to code instructions results. Alarm horn ring twice, the code success; alarm horn ring four times, the failure to code, if wants to continue to all will need to start again